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Monday, July 30, 2012 Day 1: painting master room

Painting is so difficult. I am painting my house for Eid. I painted my house last year, bought expensive paints, anti fungus paint and called some guys to paint my house. Within a year, I got white patches on the wall. My master room especially was looking ugly. I thought we got paint at home so lets' have fun painting the house. Boy, was I wrong? I changed the wall color from maoon to an orchard white. We skipped the tapping of the edges and we regretted it big time. We had coatings over coating and finally we saw the result. This is only the case for three sides of the wall. We took 2 days and we are still facing that master room again today. A big hurdle in the way. I've got this tall cupboard in the room. We have not moved the cupboard and it's definitly not going to be easy. I don't even want to think about the rest 2 more rooms and the hall to paint. On top of painting, I got to do my prayers, recite my quran, the never ending house works, my kids and Iftar. By the time I head to bed, every joints in the body is aching. My hubby was in lots of  pain the first day and he declared that this is going to be his first and last time painting the house. I agree with him totally. This kind of tiring work should be outsourced. But I wish I get a nice design drawn on the wall and color it beautifully. Let me complete the painting first. I will rope my sis to help me draw designs on the wall when we have iftar together :) Inshallah.

Day 11 of fasting and weight loss is 400g. That figure is not justifiable at all compared to all that painting I did. :(

Update - I continued to paint the master room yesterday after work. I started late after teaching my DZoha her school work and we managed to push the cupboard out in front. My king size bed is overflowing with al my clothes and my hubby's clothes. I painted for more than 2 hours and I did not feel tired. I realised that it is less tiring to paint after iftar than to paint while u keep fast. I stopped at 12 midnight. Nope, I am not done yet. I scheduled this weekend to complete that room and the rest of the rooms. Inshallah.

This morning, I had a terrible time finding for my office clothes and while searching, I messed up that pile of clothes even more. There's a task waiting for me to complete this evening once I am back from work.

8:11 PM |0 comments

Friday, July 27, 2012 2012

It's been 2 yrs since I last blogged. My 3 babies kept me busy. A quick update of my life. I did a diploma again for 4 yrs, this time with my hubby and we completed our diploma in Engineering Informatics. Alhamdulilah. I enjoyed my classes and yes being away from the kids can be painful but we had to upgrade ourselves to save more for our kids. I finally got the courage to resign from my prev company after slogging for 12 years and got the chance to do something which I wanted to do ...hmmm not quite there yet. Inshallah.
My 3 babies are growing up fast. DZoha is 8 yrs and she is in primary level 2. Alot of them have commented that she is a carbon copy of me. I see myself in her. Character wise. She loves to draw, read and spend all her time playing. When asked to study, she does it so quickly so that she can have the playtime. Mummy lets her play as long as she does her homeworks and self study. A confident girl she is, mashallah, but over-confident is a no no as I advice her.
DIzma is 5 yrs and she is in Kindergarten 1. She is a strong-minded and Independant gal. She does most of the things on her own without me having to tell her. She is very curious to do her elder sister homework. She does her studies without complain. Mashallah.
My baby Hiba will be turning 3 this november. She is stubborn but very loving towards her siblings and the rest at home. She tells my mom and dad  this, "I love nenek(grandma) and datuk(granpa)". She is the owner of my iphone 4s once I am back home from work. She takes it and it belongs to her only. Her sisters are not allowed to even touch it. The other thing is that, she is very possessive. She wants mummy all to herself. No one allowed to be near me. If she sees her sisters sitting on my lap, she'll push them away and sit on my lap instead. Yesterday, I hurt my wrist bone and I was in pain. She saw me and she immediately dua to Allah, "Allah, please make my mummy hand pain go away". I am truly blessed with 3 beautiful gals.
May Allah bless my 3 gals with good health, good Iman, good education and protect them from all evil. Ameen.

1:39 AM |0 comments

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Ramadan 2012

I m so excited to blog again. Yesss...alot of things to update but I got this meeting in 20 mins time. I need to recite my quran. It took me awhile to reset my password and all to see my blog once again. :)
Inshallah I will update more. Now back to my quran. Btw RAMADAN KAREEM to all muslims. Have a blessed Ramadan guys.

10:38 PM |0 comments