Labels: Liah
5:39 PM |0 comments
Alhamdulilah...DZoha has got a place in Madrasah for next year. She had to sit for an entrance test that consists of 4 papers: English, Malay, Arabic n Maths. She had to go through an oral test too. She started her preparation a year back when we decided to send her to Madrasah. I was having second thoughts about my decision but when I got involved to prepare her for the test, I wanted more and more for her to get a place. But I was also thinking of the second option which is to send her to a school near my place. To prepare for her 1st year in Madrasah, she has to attend 10 lessons starting from next month. I will be learning along with her...which I am looking forward.
Labels: Darling Zoha
4:20 AM |0 comments