Friday, August 25, 2006
my wife,my partner, my friend...

A lovely card and a rose is all it takes to make me feel that I am blessed, truly I am. A big hug and kiss from both my darlings were the best birthday present I've got today. Thanks to all my colleagues and family for their love and wishes & to my dearest twin, Happy Birthday To You as well.
Wordings inside
Know one of my favourite thingsabout our life together?It's the fact that you're my partner and we're a team.I couldn't ask for a better friend,
companion, and confidante from day to day
in all we do,
we're there to support each other,
and i m always glad i've got you by my side.Together,we make it through
the hard days...the easy days...
the crazy days..the funny days...there's nothing that can stop us as long we have each other...
as long as i have you to love.
Happy Birthday
I've got flowers so that explains the big smile on my face.
9:32 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
little darling's naughtiness
What DZ's up to these days? I am having a difficult time telling her not to do it. She bites everyone if she does not get what she wants. She started with biting her own hand if we refuse her anything. She stopped and started biting the rest real hard. Yesterday she bite firdaus's finger and he cried so hard. His finger was bleeding little. I scolded her and told her not to do it. She went to firdaus and said sorry. She told us that she will not do it again. When we came back to my place, she bite my hubby. He got angry and slapped her leg as punishment. She kept quiet and said sorry. She did it again and it was my turn. We keep trying to make her understand that it is wrong to bite. She says ok and will not do it again. My hubby is worried that she is not stopping. I told him that maybe some children behave this way for sometimes and then they stop. Hope it is the same with her. I told my hubby that it is good in one way. It helps us to control our temper. When she refused to let go even when I was screaming in pain, I did not raise my hand. I had to pull my hand and I was angry with her. I told her, "Mommy is not talking to you because you are naughty." She comes crying to me, hug me and says sorry. I hope she understands sooner and stops this bad habit.

My darling dearest spotting a boyish look. I miss her curls very much.
7:00 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
what you missed...
I met few bloggers on 5th August 2006. Disappointing muslimah gathering which we all went for, nevertheless fellow bloggers sharu aka madhuri, hajira, shazadi saved the day. It was fun being around them. What can I say? They make me feel younger haha…happening beauties in hijab including my sis and my cousin. Happening in a halaal way of course :D… I luv you guys.
It was DH's birthday on 6th August 2006. I was late by 12mins to wish him and he tells it till today. That’s him. He can very sensitive at times but I think I will be upset too if he wishes me late. To make up for it, I wished him the whole day even though it was a Sunday and he was at work. DZ gave him a card, a box of chocolates and lots of kisses when he got back from work.
DZ’s visited the library for the first time. I am lucky we got one that is very near to my place. She was very happy that she could not sit at one place. She kept going back to the shelves to pick more books. She read few books together with me. I plan to bring her every weekend since we are bored doing nothing at home. It’s been ages since I last went to the library myself. At least I found something to do together with my DZ and hopefully I can catch up on my reading as well.
I have been sourcing for weekend classes for DZ so that she can learn more things at her age but so far no luck. I was disappointed as the classes near my place are filled. I brought DZ to the center to check out their environment and I met up with the teacher. DZ was comfortable with the teacher as well. The teacher asked her few questions and DZ answered her well. The teacher commented that DZ’s speech was clear for her age, Alhamdulilah. I really wish that she gets a place soon because it is just one stop away and the class size is very small, only 8 children in one session. Hopefully I get a call from them.
That’s all you guys missed…because of the increase in my workload, not that I am expecting any promotion (how I wish :D). But it is a must to have a daily dosage of my favourite blogs. What do they say? Time management. Yes I need to apply that for blogging as well, hahaha.
1:29 AM