6:14 PM |1 comments
"I am very happy that my wife can cook", my hubby said at dinner yesterday. Not that I cooked for him the first time. Maybe now he sees me cooking daily, he has to say something nice OR maybe he read my last post hahaha. But the fact is that even though I am tired after all those cooking, I actually enjoy it. What am I cooking these days? Most of the time chapati and either chicken or mutton kurma and veggies. I find it very challenging especially to make roti that are round and soft. It is a must to make round and soft roti if I want to impress my MIL. I have achieved it but not for all chapatis. They vary in sizes and that is one thing I have to improve on. I remembered looking in awe when my MIL makes roti every morning and night. I even tried my hand one morning and the roti got stuck on the rolling board. Ammi taught me how to make the roti go round while rolling. I was embarrassed but I did the second time with my SIL. It turned out soft and round but not the perfect round. Ammi was happy with me when my SIL announced that the roti was made by me. I guess I was just nervous standing beside ammi that morning. These days I am collecting recipes and trying them at home. I look at it few times and prepare all the ingredients first. I will start the first few steps right and then in the midst of cooking, I will find myself not keeping to the recipes and I will do the rest of it all on my own, afterall everything supposed to go in the pot..I did not know cooking can be fun but not all fun when it comes to doing the dishes. My mom is even impressed that I making full use of my kitchen finally LOL. I am not an expert yet but I will be soon at the rate I am going hahaha. I welcome any cooking tips or recipes. Btw I know this one colleague of mine who loves collecting recipes but she hates cooking.
7:38 PM |2 comments
I have been wanting to update my blog but I was too lazy to do it...Recently I have been feeling that I am not being appreciated...I am not being loved...I am not being cared...I am not being pampered. I missed my childhood when I was praised for performing well in my exams, when I was showered with small gifts from family and friends, when I was feeling loved all the time and I miss that feeling of being important in someone's life. Why do I feel that if I am gone, nobody will miss me? I am just down and when I am down, alot of stupid stufs get into my head and make my heart ache. I just want to be appreciated. I want to be told, " I love you for all that you are doing now", I want to be showered with love and for this I don't need gifts...i just need the words, the touch, the feel of love... I don't want to be ignored. I hate being ignored. I do so much yet I am being treated like I am transparent...like my feelings does not matter. I have tried talking but after awhile, it is back to..."I don't exist for a day". Now that I have said it all, I don't feel any better...come to think of it...when was the last time, I really laughed or cried my heart out....*think think think*...gosh it has been very long. It is so much better when I cry for everything...at least I felt better after crying...but now that I am ...ahem...matured, I dun cry for tiny winy problems coz I am 'stronger' but I feel weaker inside. Looking on the brighter side...darling zoha can read alphabets...from A to Z...of course missing few here and there :D
6:24 PM |6 comments
me : I love you!
1:38 AM |3 comments