2.34am...done with my packing but house in a mess....clean up my kitchen and next washing the clothes...next is to catch some sleep...part 2 of the house cleaning in the morning as my back is crying in pain...will someone give me a massage???
10:53 AM |3 comments
12:15 AM |4 comments
We are suppose to fly to Karachi on wednesday and DH has gone to SIA to postpone our trip but we are not sure if they will postpone it or not and I have not done any packing up till today...no big deal to some but with a infant along, I have to make sure I pack all her things esp her medication and food. Last minute packing can quite tedious and there is a high chance of forgetting somethings and I end up quarelling with my hubby over it. Yes I like to get things done at the earliest as possible whereas my hubby gets it done all at the last minute. That includes changing his mind about this trip and preferring to go on December. I was angry with him but I decided not to because I want to go with him happily on a trip. What he did not say is that he wants to postpone this trip because of his stupid boss...I hate that boss of his and I get upset with my hubby too many times. If I am upset with my hubby, it's got to be his boss doing...my hubby makes last minute changes because of that stupid, idoitic, stingy, crazy, immatured boss.
7:27 PM |3 comments
8:46 PM |8 comments
I am so angry with myself for being at work today, away from my baby who is not well these days. She is down with bad cold and cough. DZ has got ear infection and has been cranky day and night. Her voice has changed because of the cold and for the last 2 nights, I missed her story telling. I am having throat pain since yesterday night and I think I am going to get that flu bug soon. My head feels heavy and I feel pain on both my cheeks *sigh*. I am so worried for DZ and I pray that she gets well soon before our trip to pakistan. Another two more weeks to go and we still have not applied for our visa. I am so upset that DZ is not well and I am not thinking or planning anything about the trip for now. I am feeling so down... :(
6:18 PM |5 comments