Tuesday, March 28, 2006
surprise surprise surprise
I was called in by my boss and was told to sit down. That was at 5.30pm. I knock off from work at 6pm. I was surprised when she asked me to sit down. Oh God, this was bad, I thought. She asked me if I want to be transferred to another department. I have been waiting to tell her this for many years but when I heard it from her all of a sudden, I was taken aback. I was not sure anymore. But I replied 'Yes' and I explained to her why I want to get out from here. She agreed with me and she said it will be good for me as well to get more exposure. Now the next question was where I will like to go. I have no answer for that. I am not sure if I will enjoy my work anymore in another department. What if…? I was really confused the last few days. I talked with few of my colleagues and most of their words were discouraging. As usual harp was the one who encouraged me again. She has been with me, sitting beside me, for the last 6 years and she knows me more than any other person. I kept asking her if it was good or bad to be asked for a change. I believed in her words and yes I am looking forward to the move. It is best to do it now and I don’t think I will regret my decision. Soon there will be news about my transfer and I am not sure if I will blog as much as I do now. I pray that I perform well in my job and learn more in the course of my work.
So I thought my boss was concern for my next promotion but I was wrong in my judgment. It all happened because I opened my big mouth in that interaction session I had with the HR management about learning new skills and blah blah blah. Well is it good to be so upfront??? I have to wait and see.
5:05 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006
I have reached.................my 100th post
::21 things about me::
I am an Indian Muslim married to a pakistani. It’s not all rosy with the cultural differences but we are both very happy.
I don a hijab and if you think you got a problem with it, I don’t.
I’ve got a nice family, nice hubby, beautiful daughter and nice in-laws.
I am unique. Is that a problem? My twin got a problem with that. She doesn’t agree with me :)
I am always grateful to God, even in my happy or sad moments.
I am not a morning person but I hope to get up early to make breakfast for my children when they are schooling.
I live with a regret of my past. What was I thinking then?
My wish: To be a better muslimah in this world.
My dream: My Darling Zoha’s future
I am learning urdu right now. I don’t want to feel like an alien whenever I visit Karachi.
Karachi is my 2nd home but if you want to look for me. Singapore is where I will be.
A bad dream: To grow sideways no matter how much I go on a diet and exercise
Arabic is another language I love to learn.
Friends are very important to me. I spend half of my life with them.
I hate to be so uncertain. Why should I be? I don’t think I need to be. I hate myself when I can’t be who I am at times.
I am going to get my driving license this time by hook or crook...even if it takes me to bribe the officer.(That happens only in my dream)
Simply hate going for interviews when they look at my hijab and question my capabilities. I hate them all.
I hate when I am stared at for the wrong reasons. If you don’t like what you see, then don’t see.
Sometimes I think that my dreams become reality over time. It scares me when the surroundings become familiar. Illusions may be? Btw I am very sure it will not work to get that driving license.
Things which I did only once in my life: Went Ice-skating, wore a swimming costume, entered a beauty contest (or was it a sari contest)???, went for a test an hour late, summoned by the principle, fainted in school, got into fight with a girl inside the girls toilet, laughed at a guy who slipped and fell in front of me, well I couldn’t help it then hahaha.., what else? *M thinking*
I am trying to accept the fact that I am turning thirty this year…I don’t even want to write that down in numbers :)
7:52 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
build up those muscles
I am an exercise freak NOT. My arms and back are aching from washing clothes yesterday and that too after midnight. My neighbours would have thought that a mad woman is washing her clothes at this time of the day. It’s all because of my washing machine. It died on me last weekend. I was happily loading my clothes into the machine and except for the sound of the engine working, the machine did not. My heart felt heavy with sadness when I off and on the start button and nothing happened. When I looked at the mountain of clothes to be washed, I was depressed. Up till now it is not fixed yet. My laundry basket was overflowing that I can’t get to sleep looking at it. I did only one third of the washing yesterday and tonight I plan to wash the rest. The service guy will be coming on Wednesday to rectify the problem and hopefully my machine starts running again. In the meantime, I am getting my arms tone up.
I remembered what my mom told me. Being the elders in the house, she started doing housework at a very young age. My grandfather was a very strict man and my mom was so afraid of him. She washed clothes daily and looked after her siblings. My mom always tells us that we are so lucky to have the kind of freedom we get now. We don’t have to do housework as long as we are with our parents. Everything is done for us especially if we are not the elders in the family. I grow up learning a lot from my elder sister. She is hardworking and very modest. I realized that she was the one who did most of the work around the house after she got married off. She did everything without any complaints. I am lucky to have enjoyed growing up doing housework at home and now that I have my own responsibilities, it becomes easy for me. I remembered I love cleaning the house when there is no one around. I can see the fruit of my labor at the end of the day when I lie down on the sofa after a cold shower with a book in my hand and feel the freshness in the air. One thing I earned when I stayed with my mom was her praise that the bathroom was always sparkling clean after I washed it LOL.
I can live without a domestic helper as they are more of a pain than a help but I can’t live without my machines. It is easier to change a machine than to change a domestic helper.
I want my washing machine back alive so that I just have to throw in all my clothes and it does the work for me. I miss my washing machine *sigh*
8:00 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
combat training or kick boxing?

Now if you ask me what is the difference, I don't know myself. Maybe it means the same or it is the same :D We had a session of combat training after work today. About 50 of us gathered outside our work place and walked for 20 mins to reach fitness planet. My first experience with kick boxing was lots of fun. It was really difficult to catch up with the instructor as that guy was very fast with his steps. I think I was little clumsy trying to get the steps right as I get confused whether to use my right hand or left leg or left hand and right leg. I could not catch up with the movements and I felt like giving up but the rest of my colleagues were enjoying it even though they too could not get the movements right. Half an hour of kick boxing and boy was I sweating. I usually don't sweat much when I jog or exercise but this is really one good form of exercise. I felt tightness around my tummy area too. I am definetly going to do it at home on my own. Hopefully I remember some of the steps and improve on them. I am so glad I took this chance to participate in the combat training organised by my committee and the best thing about this...it is FOC. We seldom get to enjoy this kind of luxury for free, so grab it if it comes your way.
I spot a weighing machine right in the middle of the changing room and of course I stand on it to weigh myself. Sad to say that I have put on a kilo...so sad. I felt so bad about that 1 kg that I skipped my dinner today...never check the weight before any meal.
7:05 AM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Indian Idol 2 - AMEY DATE
My fav Amey Date was voted out yesterday night. I was so disheartened to see him out of this contest. He is such a talented singer with a beautful voice. All the 3 judges in the show Anu Malik, Sonu Nigam and Farah walked out of their seats when the results were announced. Everyone started leaving the show but because of Amey's plea, all stayed back. I can't believe he is voted out. What good is an Indian Idol show if Amey is not part of it. I hate Indian Idol program. I hate SONY TV.
"Amey Date's exit triggered passions in the judges and among the audience like never before. Finally, it fell upon Amey himself to get everyone to embrace reality, though most did it with the heaviest of hearts."

11:19 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
funny moments
scene from an indian movie :D
7 adults +3 children = 10 people in a car
dad&nephew | driver [FRONT SEAT]
sis (floor)| Me (floor)
mom|zoha|sis1|amiira|DH [BACK SEAT]
We all got squeezed into my bro in-law car to get from suntec to serangoon road. Me and my hubby were waiting in line for cab and since serangoon is near suntec, we squeezed into his car. We were all laughing our heads off inside the car. I begged my bro in-law to stop the car at a quiet place so that nobody can see us getting out from the car one after another :D but my hubby and I got off at the traffic light before the turning to Mustaffa. Thank god for the traffic jam infront when me and my hubby was having a hard time getting out from the car. There was this one guy standing right infront of my bro in-laws car wondering or maybe counting the number of people in the car LOL. I wonder how my sis managed to crawl out from the car. I guess she must be the last one to go out :D.
1:19 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
discover oneself
I got this one from Baraka's blog and find it neat. It is cool to find out what you guyz think of me. You guyz MUST DO THIS ONE...you hear me!
You can view mrs raza's full data.
7:13 PM
m tired mentally
Woke up late with head feeling heavy and eyes refusing to open. I told myself I have to go to work today and no excuses. I force my body to get up and walk straight under the shower. I thought I will feel better after the bath. I guess I am under a sleeping spell or something. I got dressed half asleep, carried my baby and my bag. Hubby flag the cab as we were running late for work...I usually go up to my mom's place to leave zoha in her care. Today she was waiting downstairs for DZ. I went to work in the same cab and yes I slept in the cab. I was late for 2 mins...even if it is 1 min, I am late. My boss is particular about being at your desk at 8.30am. After which she go and have her breakfast with her partner and come back at 9am. So I was telling I walked with my eyes half closed and I settled down at my place. I don't usually go out to get breakfast but today I need a cup of coffee badly to wake me up maybe. I went out with my colleague to get our breakfast and we got into the lift. The lift was crowded and one lady was staring at my 2 blue toe nails not that I painted it blue but it turned blue after the last game of captain ball. She must be wondering what's wrong with me. I was supposed to get out at the 3rd floor and that damn lift opened at 2nd floor. I got out and my colleague was calling out my name from inside the lift. I realised that I got out at the wrong floor. This is what happens when you sleep walk. I should have just take half a day off in the morning. This whole week has been too hectic and all the tiredness acts up to the last working day. I have been staying late for an hour everday at workplace for the last 4 days, working hard on my reports this whole darn week and I still have not completed them...because the whole week of hardwork came back to my desk yesterday for some changes...
I am thankful for two things though...for being dressed properly even in my sleeping spell and not snoring in the cab hehe. Right now head feeling less heavy which is good but feeling pain on my right eyelid, an early sign of getting a headache. Maybe I should use my lunch time to catch up on my sleep. Today's friday and my lunch hour is little longer because of friday prayers :D Please God make sure I don't get any headache for today as I've got to finish updating all those numbers, figures, statistics...whatever by 5.30pm.
5:11 PM
kiddies makeover

Kamilah dear, this is for you.
Well I suppose the scanned pictures did not turn out well because of the quality of the paper. The pic with amirra was sent to me
by my youngest sis (taken from her hp).
Individual pic of amiira's not here and I suppose my sis forgot all about it.
2:14 AM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
a dream come true
This incident was told by my sister. My brother in-law dutifully woke up one night and prepare milk for his daughter. My sister then feed her while my bil prayed the Tahajjud prayer. Before going back to sleep, he filled the water flask and let the water boil. He went back to his sleep and he dreamt that his whole house was covered with white smoke and his nephew was walking towards the kitchen. He started shouting in his dreams and my sister had to 'slap' him couple of times so that he stopped talking in his sleep. My brother felt so uncomfortable that he got up from his sleep and went to the kitchen. Infact his kitchen was all smooky. What happened was that the flask had spoilt and the water had spread to the cabinets on top. My bil woke my sister and told her what happened. They off the flask and wiped the cabinets in the middle of the night. They were thankful to God for letting them know of the problem ahead.
..."But God will surely not lose sight of your faith-for, behold, God is most compassionate towards man, a dispenser of grace. "
8:39 PM