A good friend of mine is going for an operation this morning. It is for the removal of her fibroids. It has given her troubles for couple of years and she has decided to have it removed. I did not know what is fibriods until she has it and she explained to me how these fibriods come about. It is really scary listening to her of her pains and one effect of having fibriods, one can mensurate as long as 3 weeks. I was shocked when I heard this. One week alone is long enough to go through cramps and pains but to go through it for 3 weeks and more. I really don't know how to react to it. She read online about fibroids and she even forward an email on it to the rest of us (only girls) so that we can learn about it too. Fibroids affect more than 30% of women.
5:41 PM |3 comments
No present for guessing which one is me...;P that will be too easy for anyone. Anyway DH will be cutting his precious curls after keeping it long for 10 months. He is going back to look more like a smart guy than a cool hunk. I LOVE YOU DH no matter you look smart or cool :D
8:08 AM |2 comments
I had my hair cut and highlighted. Now my hair is just nicely resting on my shoulder. I had it higlighted copper brown. Nothing too drastic with that but I love my new look. My hubby was all smile when he saw my new look. I was exceptionally happy with the way the girl did my hair. She did not rush with it. They served green tea which my DZ enjoyed it. My other sis was carrying DZ. Infact she is the one who introduced me to this hair salon. I even got a nice message in the end. It was so relaxing having her message my neck and back. I thanked her and she even commented that I will look more sexy if I curl my hair...her marketing strategy hahaha. Actually my sis was asking how much it will cost to perm the hair. She is really good right?...hmmm next time I will try the curls :P
11:48 PM |5 comments
If your special someone does not show concern when you need them the most?
11:44 PM |4 comments
We reached Police Academy on Saturday at 9 am. Our captain ball game was at 10.30am. We were 4 girls (J, R, M and myself) and a guy (T). We got to know each other and we started praticing eventhough we know we are short of 2 more players. J told us that 2 more guys would be joining us later as they were playing soccer. We were practicing in the hot sun till 10.30am. They were 4 guys and 3 girls in the opposing team. Those guys were tall and fit. They are baketball and netball players. Well we thought it was unfair since there were 4 guys in their team so we decided to have 3 guys and 3 girls in a team. Even with this arrangement, we were still on the losing side because 3 guys were playing but for us two guys were playing and the third guy was standing on the chair to catch the ball. The other team, the 4th guy was standing on the chair. We played the first set. We played for 10 mins and we were down 4-0. In the first place, i did not know that there would be guys playing. So I was upset. In the second set, I told the guy who was standing in the chair to replace me so that I can stand in the chair to try and catch the ball since I was taller than him. He replied me that he can't run because of health problem and I was thinking why was he part of the team in the first place. Again I was upset. I just continued playing and we were down 6-1 in the second set. The opposing team played well coordinated game and they know where their positions are in the game and we were like running all over the court. It was very tiring to play under the hot sun but those guys looked so cool with sweats running down their forehead. I bet the whole team got lots and lots of stamina, afterall they just had a game of badminton before playing the captain ball. We were definetly on the losing side eventhough we managed to get 3 guys (from the soccer side) to play in the last set. I did not feel bad at all losing because they played much better game than us. I hated the umpire. She thinks she knows more about the game than anyone else. She thinks she is good in all games. She thinks she is the sports player of the year....my foot!!! I simply hate her. She even remark at one point that she has to give up playing this game to become an umpire...she thinks she is a pro...yuckkkss at her remark.
9:21 PM |1 comments
8:23 AM |2 comments
7:54 AM |2 comments
I have been not doing any kind of exercise except for housework the past couple of years. Before I got married, I used to jog occasionally and walk quite a distance daily. I was so energetic and active. But ever since I stopped exercising, I felt tired easily. Gone were the days when my tummy and arms were not flabby. I picked up running during my teenage years because I was big. I wanted to lose weight and I started dieting and exercising vigorously. It was because of peer-pressure. I am glad that I want to look small like the rest. I started losing weight and I continued exercising. I don't do breakfast while I was studying and when I started working, I don’t even lunch so I only got to eat one meal a day. I am not really interested in eating or enjoy eating different kind of food. My colleague started scolding me whenever I skip my breakfast and lunch. I started taking my breakfast and my lunch without fail, thanks to harp. Now I can happily say that I eat 3 meals a day but I stopped taking coffee and I am drinking water. I have tea once in a day at my mom’s place. With all these foods spoiling me, I feel that I am getting FAT again. It is ok to be FAT and PREGNANT. But it is definitely not ok to be FAT and NOT PREGNANT:D What I am trying to say is I have been really lazy these days except for taking care of my darlings and the house. Maybe the aging process will be delayed if I start exercising. That is another thing I am getting paranoid about. I should start experimenting on this. Well for a start I have joined the netball team. Hopefully this keeps me going. I should do those sit ups most importantly. I don’t think I can even go for 1 set of 10 now. I used to do 4 -5 sets of sit ups for few years and I did see the changes. I remembered my sister and I used to exercise together before both of us got married. I really think exercise keeps our weight in control and we can lead a healthy lifestyle.
1:52 AM |1 comments
Well I did sign up for the captain ball team. The JRC Annual Games Day is on the 18th February 2006. One of the highlights is the telematches that includes the captain ball obviously. The best part is that I have not gone for any practice whatsoever. There are no emails so far to inform the training dates and the latest news is that there will be no training. OH MY GOD...NO TRAINING!!! On the actual day we are suppose to just play the game. I wonder how to when you don't even know who are the rest in the team :D I am not going to make a clown out of myself infront of the judges and other officers. Maybe this whole captain ball game will not happen at all. I can't even remember the rules of this game hehe. I regret sending in my name afterall. Now I have to think of a way to excuse myself out like what few others did. Well I was planning on playing the game you know. What if the rest who are still in the team are good players and I am the only idiot who doesn't even know how the game is played. Do they have books on "How to play captain ball FOR DUMMIES"? But still how to learn a game by reading, duh! I've got 9 more days to come up with an excuse. :) *put on my thinking cap at this very minute*...
1:19 AM |6 comments
I woke up at 3am with sharp pain in my abdomen. I could not sleep. DZ started crying and she wanted her dudu. I got up and feed her but when I tried to sleep, my pain got worse. I applied medicated oil and place the hot water bag on my stomach. The pain subsided after half an hour. Still I could not sleep. I was admiring my DZ sleeping and I was back to my past...when I was pregnant with zoha till the very day I was admitted to deliver my baby. It was nice thinking back on my delivery :) (alhamdulilah I had a fast one). One year have past and my darling is growing up. As I spend more time with her, the whole responsiblity falls on me. Will I do it well? As a daughter, I have at times been rude to my mom and she had been disappointed with me for those mistake I made. But I am glad that God has got me going on to the straight path and with God fearing I pass my each day . Likewise for my daughter, I want her to be a good daughter and a good muslimah. Well come to think of it, being a good muslimah covers almost every aspect of one life. When I miss a prayer, I think of my daughter. Will I want her to miss hers? No. If I am lazy, will my daughter be lazy too? No. So many actions of mine will reflect it on my daughter later in her life. I want the best for her and I am sure all moms want that for their baby. I came across these pictures in my office pc (from the first day she was born up till she was 6 months old then).
11:58 PM |2 comments
DZ to her toy horse: Want ‘mum mum’? (It means food in her language)
6:57 PM |6 comments
1:47 AM |0 comments
You Belong in Paris |
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11:36 PM |2 comments