Thursday, November 24, 2005
Let’s go by the vote

If I have ten hands up to support me to join the netball team at my workplace, I will sign up my name. Well the last I played netball was when I was in secondary school. I love to play ball games especially basketball. I used to be in the basketball team for couple of years. Throwing balls in the court after school and running around in the court. I really miss those days. I just remember an incident that happened to me and my sister when we were in year 2 or 3. We were hanging out after school and instead of heading back home, we were talking with this one guy who was expelled from school. We saw him over at our school on his bicycle and we decided to take turn to ride it. Late in the afternoon, the discipline teacher saw us and punished us for mixing with the guy inside the school compound. He called us to stand in front of the afternoon session students (facing them) and sing the anthem before we were allowed to go back home. There were 5 of us in the front including my sister and my friends. I sang the anthem with head high because I did not want the junior students to find out that we were being punished. One of them who was my friend came forward at the end of the day to ask us why we were standing in front. Well I lied to her and I told her since it is time for the national anthem, we decided to join in. She did not suspect anything wrong :)
The next day I was the only one to be called into the principal office. I can’t remember why but my sister and my friends were not in the same class as me so they escaped that stupid meet up with the principal. That idiot guy found out what happened the day before and I was asked to admit my mistake. I told him that the guy who was expelled was my classmate and he himself lent me his bike. That idiot then asked me one question. If any guy were to give me a lift, I will just get in his car? I stood there crying in front of him. Damn now I wonder why the hell did I cry. I should have just answered the idiot that if that guy behind the wheel is handsome, I will get in HAHAHA. That answer would have landed me into more trouble. I was asked to stay back for a day after school outside his office. I hated that idiot anyway. He as an Indian always like to pick on pretty Indian gals hahaha ( this is what I think) LOL.
Nice memories MINUS the idiot principal. Now back to the netball competition. Should I sign up or forget it? I don’t know who else in the team. Any hands up??? :)
8:12 PM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
a long ride with my JAAN (Part II)

I LOVE the SEA.ok I am done for today LOL
10:52 PM
A long ride with my JAAN (in my dream) ;-)

8:27 PM
Birthday Characteristics of my family
DH ----> August 01 - 15 ~ Monkey
If you are a Monkey: Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!
My Opinion - I agree that he is simple at heart. Maybe he gets panicky if he sense trouble. Definetly he is not money minded. Overall he is a simple guy who takes things as it comes.Camilla ----> August 16 - 25 ~ Mouse
If you are a Mouse: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder, people seek for your company and look forward to include you for all get-togethers. However, you are sensitive, which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. God bless the person then!
My Opinion - Maybe I was mischeif when I was young. I am cute??? ATTRACTIVE??? :) I am definetly sensitive but not to the extreme. So I am safe to befriend with. DZ ----> June 04 - 14 ~ Turtle
If you are a Turtle: You are near to perfect and nice at heart.The examples of your kindness are always circulated in groups of people.You, too, love peace. You wouldn't like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part is that you do not expect it back in return.You are generous enough.Seeing things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.
My Opinion - I like everything that is mention for DZ and hopefully all of it turns out to be true for her in future. Inshallah.
12:45 AM
Monday, November 21, 2005
Few bumps here and there
Lately DZ has been bumping into walls and glass panel was the latest so far. The first time was on the eve of Eid. I was putting up curtains at my mom's place and it was very windy. The wind was blowing so hard that the curtains started 'flying'. Zoha liked it so much and she was playing 'hide and seek' by going in and out of the curtains. I was hanging the curtains on the other side of the hall and was getting down from the chair. Zoha thought that she can run in and out of the curtain but she did not realise there was the wall behind the curtains. She ran towards it and before I could catch her she bang herself onto the wall. She started crying and I put ice pack and later applied vicks on her forehead. It was cute that she thought she can play hide and seek behind the curtain but was scary when she hit her head hard against the wall. Last friday she did the same thing again. We were taking pics at borders and there was this big glass panel written borders. I took pic of DH standing there and we wanted to take a solo pic of zoha so we told her to go and stand infront of the glass panel. She ran thinking that it was the entrance of the borders but she did not realise that it was the glass panel. She bang herself and a lady who was reading from inside looked up to see what was the noise. I was thankful to God it was not a hard one. The security guy even came out to check on DZ. When children start walking, we parents have to be extra vigilant. I always pray and ask God to protect my DZ always.
6:28 PM
The search is ON
INDIAN IDOL IS BACK. The Search for Indian Idol is ON in SONY TV. DH & I are glued on to Sony channel once more after Fame Gurukul has ended.

5:38 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Not a good weekend
It was drizzling on friday evening. We went to Orchard to take some pics. When we reached Orchard the rain had stopped. DZ enjoyed running around Orchard and we had a hard time taking her pic before she runs away from the camera. We had our dinner at BK and it was almost 12 midnight when we reached home. The next day, zoha started sneezing. I was afraid she got the flu. I gave her medicine and I cleaned the house and went to my mom's place in the afternoon. We were supposed to go to my cousin place and mom had other plans before going to my cousin place. She left first and told me to meet up later at my cousin place. DZ was not feeling good and she slept at 5pm. She woke up at 7.30pm. I did not want to bring her out late in the evening. Maybe she got the flu because she was out the night before. I told my cousin to excuse me as DZ was not well. I thought I will go to my cousin place after paying a visit to my friend's place. But in the end, I stayed at home taking care of DZ. Yesterday I was little upset with my mom. I did not talk to her well at home. She called me once I reached home and asked what happen. I told her how I felt and I was crying over the phone...the whole day I was having terrible headache maybe that's why I was feeling down and started crying. DH was surprised to see me crying over the phone and he kept asking me what was wrong. I told him it was my headahce. Just last week alone, my head has been hurting for 3 days. After making DZ sleep, I took panadol and rest. I wanted to handwash the new cloths worn on eid yesterday and my headache spoilt all my plans. The weekday did not start well either. I was late today for work...15 mins late and I hate myself whenever I am late. I reached my mom's place at 8.10am this morning so I decided to take a cab to work. It was raining and I knew I will be late for work today as it is always difficult to get a cab. I managed to get the cab only after half an hour. Gosh I just hate to start my monday late. I will finish late today as I got night court duty as well. I've got my clothes to wash & I promised DH that I will cook today. Hopefully night court finishes early today.
The pics we took in Orchard did not turn out well at all. Out of the few pics we took, only couple of them turn out well, claimed by DH. Before I could check out the pics, he deleted them :( saying that the rest were blur. Of course I was angry with him. In one weekend, I was upset with mom, DH and my head (for my headahce).
7:58 PM
Thursday, November 17, 2005
young hijabi

I am surprise to listen to new words everyday. Mommy talks to me in english and papa in urdu. I listen to them attentively and love to speak to them in their language. I say words like "see", "can", "fower","pani" and more. I can even talk in tamil. I call mommy, papa, nenek, anna, akka when I am with them. Mommy and papa teach me new words everyday and it is so interesting to hear them talk. Mommy taught me "car", "bee", "choo choo train" yesterday. Today I will learn more new words. Mommy gets very happy when I repeat a word after her. She tells papa that I learned more words today. Mommy and Papa loves me alot and I love them too....AWWWWWWWWWAAAAA (my way of kissing) :)
Jamaliah ma & Anisha ma calls me vain. I like when Jamaliah ma puts khol in my eyes and powder on my face when we go out. I like to carry Anisha ma handbag too. They call me vain because I like to look at myself in the mirror whenever they dress me up. They said I am vain just like my mommy hehehe. I love to pray with mommy. Whenever she stands to pray, I run to the room, stand infront of her & pray with her. I like to wear "topi" and pray. I always wear my datuk topi. Mommy loves to put on scarve for me but I like topi more :)
12:36 AM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
zoha & her buddy posing for her papa on 1st day of eid. She is all happy to celebrate eid with Elmo.
<photo deleted>
5:53 PM
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
what's cooking?
I promised my friends I will cook briyani for eid this year and, I did it and the most important person to judge my briyani was my DH. He gave it thumbs up and simply enjoyed them. I was ecstatic after hearing it from DH. I shall now reveal the secret to my success in cooking a nice briyani. That is SHAN BOMBAY BRIYANI. DH bought a big packet of shan Bombay briyani that has the briyani rice packet and masala packet in it. He bought a shan chicken tikka packet as well.

I read their method of cooking and consulted my mom. She said she will cook the briyani for me but I told her I want to try. So we decided, I will cook for my friends and she will cook for my relatives. One packet of briyani can serve up to 6-8 persons. I washed the chicken pieces; marinate them with the chicken tikka masala early morning. My mom came over to my place to cook for my relatives. She waited for me to finish cooking for my friends so that she can take over the cooking. I tasted the chicken masala and found it too spicy. Mom was fasting so she could not taste but she asked me to add more onions. I added few more chopped onions and little condensed milk. After cooking the chicken masala, I washed the rice, and add salt to it. Once the rice was cooked, I drained the water from the rice. In a new pot, I poured a layer of chicken masala and then add the briyani rice on it. I add coriander leaves, fried onions, 'rose' water and 'sprinkled' condensed milk over the rice. I had to repeat the steps until all the rice is transferred to the new pot. I had to cook it once more in slow heat for awhile. I was so glad the rice was not too moist or dry and I fried the rest of the chickens that I did not use for the chicken masala. It was little spicy though and I think Shan masala are supposed to be that spicy. My DH likes his food spicy and all so he enjoyed his briyani I cooked for him for the first time. But I think the credit goes to my mom too for overlooking my cooking and guiding me along. But she really did not think it will turn out delicious because I did not add any chilly paste or chilly powder to my chicken masala in her opinion. I told her all spices are added in the shan masala itself so we don't have to add in our cooking. My mom cooked more briyani for my relatives using her own briyani masala and she cooked mutton curry to go with it. But she did not mix the rice and mutton together like I did. Finally when it was time for iftar, my cousins and my mom had the briyani and they finished the last bit and the rest of them who came later ate my mom's briyani and they enjoyed it too. The only difference between my mom's cooking and my method of cooking briyani is that I don't have to add any salt or spices because it is added in the shan masala packet itself.
I will not say my briyani is the best but for a first try, I think I did well. Harp tried my briyani. Hopefully she enjoyed it. Did you harp or do I need to bribe you to praise my cooking hahaha.
Jaycie was right to point out shan packets make cooking easy.
6:23 PM
Monday, November 07, 2005
this is a hate post
I hate her. She thinks she is right and my whole family have to bend down to her. I see her at all my other aunties house except to my parent's place. She got hell of time to visit the rest of her sisters and brothers but when it comes to her younger brother,my dad's house, she pretends he doesn't exist. I am talking about my dad's sister here. Well she hates my family because I did not marry her son. By the way all her sons are married with children now. I see her without fail in my aunties/auncles house and she is all happy and merry. She is a great actress. She did not turn up for my wedding and her reason was because God did not want her attend my wedding...what duh fish....her sons reason was because they forgot...I remembered her elder's son and his family came over to my mom's place the next day after my wedding with their stupid reason. I felt like telling them right in their face to stop their acting but I kept quiet and "thank" them for coming. She hurt my parents many times and yet they are nice to her. Today I thought I want to go and shop in Serangoon Road after work and I know my mom is going to this auntie's house today for eid visiting. I was thinking I will shop a very fast one and head back home before 7pm to pick my DZ from my mom's place. Once she know that I am going to shop after work, she called me at my workplace and scolded me. I don't understand why she is running to go to her place when my auntie doesn't know how to respect my mom and dad. I am hurt why my mom wants to blindly follow my other aunts to her place. I hate this auntie of mine more and more but I am still calling her auntie for my dad and not anyone else.
updates <09-11-05>: Dear mom did not go that day because the rest of my aunts all decided to go today. Surprisingly this aunty of mine called my mom yesterday evening and invited her. Once my mom hang down the phone, she immediately turned to me and said my aunt invited me as well. Even if my aunt did not, I am sure my mom did that to drag me along with her. I don't want to argue or hurt my mom's feeling, so I am going to PLEASE MY MOM ONLY.
1:35 AM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
eve of eid
Thank God it is half day today. I have been cleaning my place for a week now and still things not done yet. DH promised to help me today with the housework. DZ is with my mom today and I will pick her later in the evening. The last 2 weeks have been tiring running to my mom's place and my place. Helping her with her housework and coming back after 12am and getting sleep after 1am. Rushing to work in the morning and rushing back home for iftar can be a form of exercise. Today is the last day of ramadan and I thank God to have made this fasting possible for me. Every other day when I don't eat, I feel that my gastric pain is back to haunt me but I have not felt it at all during ramadan and I have not been taking my medication at all, shukur alhamdulilah. Afterall we are fasting for HIM alone. I have missed few days of fasting for some reasons and hopefully I pay it back soon and not wait till next ramadan, inshallah. Tonight we plan to go to Geylang bazaar and I must remind myself to get a henna cone. I am sure if I ask the girls to have my hand painted with henna, I will have it all smudged in the crowd tonight. I still remember my mom, my sister and I did not sleep a wink last year. This year I am not sure if I can get some sleep tonight but definetly got to wake up for eid prayers. DZ has to sleep early tonight so that she gets enough sleep as we will all be up early tomorrow. Right now I have got to get back to work and finish my stuff.
6:09 PM