Monday, October 31, 2005
Eid Mubarak To All Muslims

let us remember the less fortunate ones in our prayers & duas.
1:19 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
First time
"I am small size", someone said to me. I must say this is the FIRST time someone commented that I am of small build. All my life, I have been called TALL GIANT but never was I overweight thanks to my height. I remembered when I was in school, every assembly period we need to stand in line and I was always the last one behind with the guys. Every photo taking I was asked to stand in the middle and the rest will be either to my right or left. I was never proud of my height because there are many taller girls than me but I was very conscious about my weight. Well who wasn't in our teenage years. I had tried all kind of diet plans from starving to exercising but it was never easy for me. There was once I went to my friends wedding and my sister & I were wearing heels. We are both the same height and we heard someone said that we are tall and yet we are in heels. We felt like turning back and telling them it was not their money we bought those heels with. The only time I manage to lose weight easily was in my early stage of pregnancy. I was down to 47kg and also the only time I wanted to put on weight for my baby inside me. Well the whole thing came about when I was talking to my colleague about DZ being little underweight. She doesn't eat or drink milk much so that explains her weight and my colleague said that maybe it is because you are small size yourself. I have achieved being "small" after being a mother..(NOT REALLY):D
1:22 AM
Friday, October 21, 2005
no time for world wide web
For the next 2 days, I will ditch my computer and become a full time housewife. Even though I have internet connection at home, I can never find the time to go online. I am busy cleaning the house and taking care of DZ at the same time. Sometimes I can’t do certain task if she is awake. If she sees me scrubbing my bathroom, she insists in joining me inside and that is what happen to me last weekend. I had to stop my cleaning halfway and had to play with her. Well I pay back for the weekdays I am away from her. Infact I enjoy watching her do new things. If she sees me sneaking out of the room, she immediately stands up & walks behind me. By evening, she gets bored and I have to bring her down for a walk. In the end, I would have only completed one or two chores in the house. I’ve got loads of clothes for washing and drying. I’ve got those windows need to be clean. The wall fans and lights need to be clean. I’ve got to mop the floor this weekend. I even wanted to try out how to cook briyani but two weekends have gone and I am still finding time for my briyani. DH is disappointed for the last 2 weeks. Every week the list seems to be getting longer and longer. But alas, this wonder woman cannot do wonders and complete them.
I have two more weeks to try out the briyani because I promised my friends they will get to taste my cooking when they come home for Eid. Is there any easier way to cook briyani???
2:27 AM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Being a mother

I realized that being a mother, we too can widen our circle of friends. At workplace, I have colleagues whom I do not know very well, approaching me and asking about the well being of me and my baby. I see that we are discussing more about motherhood now whenever we get the chance to meet in the office. It is a nice feeling when people approach me and tell me about themselves & their experiences with motherhood. There was a time when I was leaving office, this guy who works in the family court asked about my daughter's well being. I looked at him in surprise. I even replied him that he mistook me for someone else. Well there is a gal who resembles me at my workplace. No we are not twins nor related. We just happen to look alike :). I have been mistaken for her many times in the office so I assumed this guy thought it was her. But he told me that he knows that girl too and he was in fact asking about me. I was surprised to know that people noticed me PREGNANT. I must have looked too pretty or ugly to have been noticed LOL (Personally I find all pregnant ladies CUTE ;D) The day before yesterday, a Chinese lady carrying her daughter sat beside me in the bus. The baby gal was very friendly and she started playing with me. Our conversation started with her daughter and then my DZ. The mother commented that the girls might go to the same school because we live in the same town. I can say that being a mother has made my life more meaningful and fun. 3 CHEERS TO MOTHERHOOD :D
8:49 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
DH's making a trip to pak
It's been decided that DH goes to pak after Eid. Well at first the plan was that he spends his Eid in pak and with papa not feeling well, he needs to go back to visit him. I used up all my leaves when I was in pak in May. Now with a miserable half a day leave balance, I am eagerly waiting for december because I simply CANNOT WORK WITHOUT LEAVE. I have been using up my medical leaves for now :), so much for the complain haha. I can't go with DH to pak :( He will be there for 2 weeks and just thinking alone about this makes me miss him. DZ will miss her papa too. Everytime the phone rings at home when DH's at work, she goes "papa". But DH has his responsibilites too towards his family. I miss everyone back home in pak. I am looking forward to be in pak end december.
This year eid will be little different as we will be celebrating it in our own house, inshallah. Did nothing so far to prepare for it and definetly the last week I am going to be tied down with lots of work & I can't take any leave...I will never be done with the complains about my leave at least till end of this year :O
5:57 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
south asia quake 08.10.2005
My heart goes out to the victims of the recent earthquake and to the lost generation of children. Everyday I read the news online hoping to see people & children especially coming out from the rubbles alive but no such happy news today at least. I pray for all those who have perished, for those who have lost their families, for those parents who have lost their children, for those children who have lost their parents and those who are waiting for help to come to them, ALLAH please provide them with food and shelter, ALLAH please lighten their hearts and show them the light, ALLAH please bestow your love to those children who have lost their parents and ALLAH please give them the strength to rebuild their lives.
I pray that the relief supplies & medical aids reach the needy people fast.
I pray that the rest of the world remembers these people in their duas.
I pray that more donations and relief supplies to keep coming in
I pray that there are still people alive under the rubbles and rescuers get to them fast.
1:10 AM
Monday, October 03, 2005
Seven things
I was tagged by UmmMahtab. Here you go...
SEVEN THINGSSeven things I plan to do before I die (insha-Allah)1. Perform Hajj
2. Save enough for zoha's future
3. Continue my education
4. To cook all my DH's favorite dishes (definitely with my mom's or ammi's help)
5. Pick up two languages at least (Arabic & urdu)
6. To practice my religion well
7. To die as a grateful daughter, loving wife, a doting mother and a caring daughter in-law( I mention this last because we only get to meet once a year)
Seven things I can do:1. Can cook decent meals
2. I can still drive (but have not got my license yet :D)
3. Can forgive and forget those who hurt me (I don't want to remember them)
4. Can stare at people who like to stare at me (the kinda look people gives me because I am a hijabi)
5. Live without a handphone but one problem is that I can't easily find coin phones around anymore
6. To keep quiet when I really feel like screaming at someone
7. Be committed to my job 110% if I enjoy doing it (but it is not like that at all for now)
Seven things I can't do:1. Can't swim
2. Hang on the phone for long hours
3. Butter up to bosses for promotion
4. Sit on crazy rides or try bungee jump
5. Remember contact nos or birthdates even though I deal with numbers at workplace :D
6. Sit down and complete watching one whole movie esp hindi or tamil movies that last for 3 hours unless I watch them in cinema.
7. To be away from my darlings for more than 24hours (that includes my friends too)
Seven things I say most often:1. 'Alhamdulilah'
2. Most of my conversation with my DH end with 'na' (ie.Yes na)
3. Duh!
4. 'I love you' to my DZ
5. 'Whatever'
6. 'Ask him to go hell' when my DH complains about his boss
7. 'soooooooooo schweet'
Seven things that attract me to people:1. Sincerity
2. Intelligence
3. Hardworking
4. A big heart
5. Always wears a smile on their face
6. Pretty faces
7. Babies (they are sooooooooo schweet)
Seven people I want to do this: (if you gals can spare the time)1.CrazyHarp
2. Sharb aka Madhuri
3. Aneesha
4. Yani
5. Tara
7. Everyone else
9:51 PM
To All Muslims
1:53 AM