I went for a job interview yesterday and my DH was not happy at all with me but I still went. He accompanied me to the interview and we had to wait long. He left me waiting because he was getting late. The interview went alright. The manager was a very nice guy and he asked me few questions and I replied him. The salary he offered me was much lower than what I am getting now. It is a job which I always wanted. I have to teach computer studies in a government-aided school. I told the interviewer that if I was given this opportunity few years back, I would have grab it. If only my DH and my family members were supportive, I would have tried for this job. From my DH's reaction, I can say that he is not happy at all that I want to change my job. But I am so bored here not that I've got nothing to do, but I have been doing the same thing for 6 years. If I don't take the chance now, I will not get any chance 2 or 3 years later. I will be stuck here and eventhough I have a stable income, I will be miserable...Oh nooo. Why am I thinking so much? Grrrrrrr sometimes MEN can be soo unpredictable. Just when I thought my DH will be happy for me, I was WRONG.
10:43 PM |4 comments
Most of the time I don't stare at people who take the same bus as me to work. That is because I usually sleep walk in the morning (commented by crazy harp). Today it was different. I was alert watching the news in the tv mobile and my DH was sitting beside me. The bus was crowded and suddenly I was staring at this one lady who was getting in the bus. She was wearing a green pants, green & white top with a green sweater, green bag and was holding a half eaten green apple and a white handphone in her hand. The first thing I whisper to my DH that eventhough my favourite color is green, no way am I going to wear green from head to bottom. OH gOSH I forgot to look at her shoes :D. I am sure it must have been green too. My DH on the other hand was more interested in the news than to notice the green lady.
7:59 PM |8 comments
Well I am talking about Fame GURUKUL here. It is a singing contest shown in Sony TV every weekdays. A very dramatic programme I would say. Practically everyone has cried in this programme except for the 3 judges. Every night you can see at least one contestant crying...comeon it is just another contest and it is not the end of the world. Much as I hate the crying and the dramas, I enjoy the singing part especially qazi. Everyday me and my DH would sit infront of the tv no matter how tired we are to catch qazi performing. I did not like qazi voice in the beginning and the judges and the faculty were really harsh with him with their comments. But lately his voice has been different. His voice is superb and even the judges loves him especially Shankar. I can see from his face that he really enjoys qazi performance and so do the Janta (the public). This is one of the word I learnt from this show :D . Yesterday qazi, monica and sandeep performed. These 3 are in the danger zone. Today 2 of them will make it to another round. I really hope the janta help him this time too to stay in the contest. This programme is getting more exciting now minus the FACULTY as i feel that she is very bias. Check out for more updates on the programme.
2:26 AM |8 comments
I've got this link from BBCD (British Born Confused Desi)...almost typed it as BBDC :D. Anyway I tried it out & I can't believe the result. But I have to agree that I am too damn weird to do anything about it. Cool.
You Are 40% Weird |
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8:16 PM |1 comments
well today mark my 6yrs in my present job.I am surprised myself to be in this department this long. In my 2nd year here, I told my ex-colleagues that I will not be here for long and all my ex-colleagues have left this place before me. Then comes crazy Harp to keep me entertained and from what i believe she is also waiting for an opportunity just like me. Will I be here in another 4 more years, I really don't know. Of course if I get another opportunity outside, I would go for it. I am still hopeful that I will get that chance.
2:27 AM |5 comments
DH enjoyed the night and the food. We were laughing and laughing the whole night because the MC guy was really good. He spoked in english, malay, tamil and chinese. He really had the audience captivated. We did not get lucky with the lucky draws but it was fun. The best part was the MOST WELL DRESSED COMPETITION. There were 8 of them up on the stage dressed to the theme WILD WILD WEST. 4 guys and 4 gals so they got to pair themselves as couples. They then got to do the MTV style (ENGLISH, MALAY, INDIAN AND TAIWAN VERSION). The MC did a small part of how they should do it and everyone had great time laughing. I laughed till I had tears in my eyes. This year is the first time I stayed till the event ended. DH and I walked down to esplanade and we took a cab home from there. Let me recap what I had for dinner that night. We had:
11:56 PM |2 comments
8:28 PM |3 comments
1:43 AM |0 comments
9:25 PM |2 comments
Darling Zoha is 15 months today. Well she started walking once she turns 12 months but she was not teething at that time. I spotted her FIRST tiny little white tooth coming on 1 September 2005. I was so worried about this but my mom keep assuring me that it is normal for some babies to teeth as late as 18 months. Now I am very happy to spot her first tooth. I read online that after the first tooth, the next one doesn't take long. I just pray that she doesn't get cranky because of this. Today is Darling Mubarak's birthday. He turns 7 today. Yesterday I called my elder sister's place to wish him and it was after 12 midnight. All 3 boys were awake and I asked Mubarak what does he want for his bday. He keeps saying ahh ahh ahh so I told him if he is not going to tell me anything, I am going to get him lots of interesting storybooks for him to read. Poor boy immediately started crying. He gave the phone to his mother and I can hear him crying loudly in the background. My sister told me that he wants the same present I got for his elder brother's bday. He actually wants a tv game and not storybooks. I told my sister ok and I went to sleep feeling very bad to have make him cry on his birthday. I am going to shop for his birthday gift at lunch time. Hopefully I am able to get him something from OG.
9:00 PM |0 comments