My life before marriage
10:13 PM |1 comments
Yesterday I read an article from the newspaper that the government is restricting its people to visit the madrasah(islamic schools) in pakistan. But no restrictions in going to pakistan, maybe NOT yet. But I will be surprise if they impose the restriction. I guess they are just increasing the securities after the london bombing. Sometimes I wonder how true are the informations found in the newspapers. We don't usually question them and we learn what's happening in the world from the media. What about those pakistanis here who wants to educate their children back home in their country? Will the government allow that? I remembered I had a discussion with my mom once about zoha's education...well it is too early for her but she has to learn the urdu language anyway. Mom was suggesting leaving zoha with her dadi n dada for a year so that she can learn their language too. My DH was very happy to hear this and he agreed with the idea. Of course I was the one to object. I can never be away from her even one day let alone for one way. Zoha can pick up urdu from her papa and she can attend private school to learn how to write in urdu. I want zoha to have an education here as well. I know my DH since 1999 but I have yet to pick up the urdu language :
8:07 PM |3 comments
3:34 AM |0 comments
the above listed are the most important things and people in my life.
(that's all for now...)
updated on 19 July 2005 15:37 pm
12:11 AM |0 comments
my first time to the zoo. mamma was so sweet to bing me to the zoo. I was so excited that I got up early that saturday. I was all ready to go and mamma n papa had the house clean by then. We received a call from my auntie (my mamma sister). She looks just like mamma. Of course they do because they are twins. She said she will be there to pick us up. I was very anxious and keep looking at the cars if my uncle is behind the wheels whenever a car turns into the carpark. There he was finally. My buddies were all inside the car. Mustaqiim bhai, Mubarak bhai, Muhsin bhai and Firdaus bhai. We were all very noisy inside the car. Once we reached the zoo, we got our ticket from uncle Faizal (who was very nice to have invited us to the zoo for his company's family day). We had our lunch at KFC. Mamma feed me my favourite whipped potato. I had two small ones. She gave me strawberry glucose after that. I enjoyed my lunch and was excited to see the crowd. We took lots and lots of pics. Mamma and auntie keep making sure that all my bhai(s) stay together. We saw giraffe, zebra, lion, tiger, monkey, parrots, snake, goats and lots and lots more. I really enjoyed watching the animals. Most of the animals were very lazy as they were sleeping or sitting down. The monkeys were the only one that were jumping around the trees. We even took pics with the monkey. But thanks to the elders, they forgot to collect the pictures after 10mins. We even saw elephants. They were really smelly :-). All of them ate ice-creams except me. Mamma said no ice-cream for me. She gave me my strawberry drink. I was very thirsty as it was a hot afternoon. At around 5pm, we went to watch a sea lion show. I really enjoyed that one. I was very tired at then end of the day. By the time we walked back to the car, I was already sleeping. I had a great day in the zoo. Thanks maama, papa and of course Uncle Faizal for the tickets :-)
9:46 PM |1 comments
It is L's bday today. My boss sent out an email one month ago saying that she had bought the present for L. It was a bad news for the rest. That was because we did not like her choice of gift and we know that she doesn't buy the gifts, she just take something out from her storeroom, wrap it in a nice wrapper and present them. We actually pay for them. We were all waiting for today to see what is inside the nice wrapper this time. It was a box filled with seashells on the cover. My dear L was shocked to see small cockroach-eggs inside the box. Isn't that disgusting? The other presents that came out from her storeroom were photoframes, bags, pen etc. There was no ink left in the pen and the photoframes were old fashion. I remembered receiving a table cloth from her last year and I am very sure she did not buy the cloth for she will not shop for materials. I wonder why she is doing all these things. We told L beforehand not to look forward to the gift. At least the cake was nice today. It was a chocolate cake and of course my boss was not the one to get it. She actually emailed us saying that one of us should go and get the cake. The cake was "sponsored" by our immediate supervisor. She is really a nice lady and yup all of us enjoyed the cake only. The next on the bday list are myself and H. They usually give our gift at the same time. We are seriously thinking of emailing everyone and letting them know that we don't want any present this year. I am definetly not looking forward to my bday.
9:01 PM |1 comments
I can't agree to this now. I am waiting for a reply from NIE and it is the beginning of a new week but still no news from them. Am I IN or OUT??? How I wish I can be a home maker and taking care of my gal. But it will be too strain on my hubby to take care of all expenses alone. We need to save up for our little gal too. I am sure I will not be working all my life. I don't know why I am so desperate to change my job. I am doing well here at my present job but I think I am not learning anything anymore. I have dreams...wishes...that I want to attain. Of course these are the extra things in life which will make our life better and only if God wishes, I will get them one at a time. oH tomorrow is 12 July. It is bonus time- my pay day yesssssssssssssss! Tomorrow I am a rich woman (just for one day) hehehe, MASHALLAH. I have been postponing my shopping for a week now. This weekend me and hubby can go
12:52 AM |1 comments
12:47 AM |0 comments